gilbertslhs からの投稿, 9年弱前

Liza Parfenova
Hi !!? I represent the organization committee of the NEW cosplay project The Greatest Geeks of the Galaxy!!! Our website: www.greatgeekgalaxy.com Sure, you are waiting for the next Comic-Con as patiently as I am :) We all became good friends during all this time and now we have our own "private community" !! It is very inspiring!? That is why our marketing team decided to create NEW VOLUNTEER project for the most creative and charismatic people! It is a CHANCE for them to show their favorite cosplay to the WHOLE WORLD! The only thing you need to become part of this project is to send 15-SECONDS VIDEO with your cosplay to our e-mail: greatgeekgalaxy@gmail.com! There are no limits for the subject, you may be as creative as you can! :) We will be waiting for your videos till the 16th of September (inclusive). Please, write me your answer if you want to participate in this project! Our e-mail: greatgeekgalaxy@gmail.com What do you think????