4 credits
North Gevero
Photographer, Editor
Chin Chin Pairat
GilgameshFate/stay nightCosplayer, Costumer / Prop Maker
Gilgamesh & Enkidu
Published by Lex Irisviel , over 4 years ago

Hey guys! After 2 months of not updating, I'm back! I'll be posting more often since Christmas break is just around the corner. Kyoya and I shot this causal version of Gilgamesh and Enkidu 2 weeks ago and I was honestly really nervous hahahaha We shot in public places so all eyes were on us. Kyoya really did Gil 101% justice thooo so intimidating uwu I'll be posting more photos soon!

Gilgamesh by Kyoya
Enkidu by Lex Irisviel
Photo by North Gevero

Lex Irisviel
Ovidiu Stoica > thank you!!!
You are so nice